Dear Colleagues,
As the summer holiday period will shortly be upon us, I'm taking this opportunity to follow up on from my previous communication regarding the forthcoming Sales Summit event for the NEW DuSense Sensory Coater, which will be officially launched at Ipex 2017 in October.
This event will take place in the UK on Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21stSeptember.
A full agenda will be sent in early September and all confirmed delegates will receive some pre-event reading and be asked to complete a survey prior to the event.
Duplo is very excited to be able to showcase this new and exciting product to all of our Sales colleagues and we have prepared an interesting and interactive full, two day programme for you to attend. Day 1 will begin at 9.30 am on Wednesday, please ensure that you don't miss out on any of the content, by flying in the previous night, if you are unable to make the 9.30 am start time.
To secure your place, please confirm your attendance by 18th August 2017 via email to events@duplointernational.com
I look forward to seeing you at this exciting event.
Yours sincerely
Tony Lock
International Sales Director
Duplo International Ltd